Towards the magis

In the 1980s there was a need felt by all the Jesuit Institutions in Tamilnadu to come together and evolve a corporate policy and the mode of recruitment of the Staff and non Teaching Staff, Mentoring and monitoring of the quality as well as introducing various dimensions of Jesuit education such as Extension Service, Mentoring and Counseling, Foundation Courses, Campus Ministry etc. The General Body Meeting of the Jesuit College men organized by the Co Ordinator of Higher Education annually helped the institutions to share their new initiatives and to learn from each other to strengthen the Jesuit Educational System. We have come a long way in refining and fine tuning our policy and programmes. We remember with gratitude the splendid and tunely service rendered by the Former Coordinators ably guided and inspired by the Provincials who were also the Chairpersons of all the Jesuit Institutions . All our Jesuit institutions are marching ahead with Magis towards excellence and relevance. In the last ten years new colleges have born to serve our target group the rural poor, the Dalits and the Marginalized in a special way. The target group is given special preference in all our Institutions.


Rev.Fr. Arturo Sosa SJ

General of the Society of Jesus






Rev.Fr.Louis Xavier SJ

Rev.Fr.Sebastian Anand SJ

Rev.Fr.Sebastian SJ

Rev.Fr.Francis Jayapathy SJ

Rev.Fr.Joseph Xavier SJ

Rev.Fr.Gaspar Leonard S.J

Rev.Fr.Rajarathinam SJ

Rev.Fr.Albert William SJ

Rev.Fr.Samuel Jeyaseelan SJ

Rev.Fr.Pushparaj Gnanasamy SJ

Rev.Fr. Xaveir Alphonse. S. J.

Rev.Fr.Thomas Alexander SJ

Rev. Fr. Anbarasu Mariaraj S.J